Where to get: Produced with Blueprints and materials gained from dissecting old pets.

Where to get: Seville Trader left from Pet Traders offers a quest for Pet Maps that can drop Jewelry or Rare Gold

Where to get: Produced with Blueprints and materials gained from dissecting old pets.

Where to get: Seville Trader left from Pet Traders offers a quest for Pet Maps that can drop Jewelry or Rare Gold

Where to get: Produced with Blueprints and materials gained from dissecting old pets.

Where to get: Seville Trader left from Pet Traders offers a quest for Pet Maps that can drop Jewelry or Rare Gold

Where to get: Produced with Blueprints and materials gained from dissecting old pets.

Where to get: Produced with Blueprints and materials gained from dissecting old pets.

Where to get: Guild Owned Cities for 8million each from the Guildleader who occupies the port.